16 Authors from around the world met through Social Media and discovered a shared passion, leadership. We all have varying backgrounds ranging from senior leaders within organizations to consultants, coaches, bloggers, and authors.
We’re committed to help you Energize Your Leadership!
Susan Mazza – Florida, USA
Energize Your Values

CEO of Clarus Works, Susan Mazza is a business coach and motivational speaker who works with leaders and their teams to transform their performance, relationships, and work environment from acceptable to exceptional. Named one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders by Trust Across America/ Trust Around the World in 2013/2015, Susan co-authored The Character-Based Leader and is the founder/author of the highly acclaimed blog www.RandomActsofLeadership.com
“Core values drive your behavior and emotional responses. Leveraging this access to emotional intelligence can.” ~ @SusanMazza
Terri Klass – New Jersey, USA
Unwrap Your Gifts

Terri Klass is a Leadership Training Consultant and Speaker who partners with organizations to create cultures of empowerment and develop future leadership. She delivers highly successful leadership workshops and is a speaker and author of articles about working with the different generations in the workplace. Terri has an MBA and is Myers-Briggs certified. Learn more about Terri at www.terriklassconsulting.com
“When we play to our gifts, we feel more alive in our leadership.” ~ @TerriKlass
Barry Smith – Florida, USA
Question Yourself

Founder of Building What Matters, LLC and a founding member of The John Maxwell Team. Barry is an international Coach, Speaker and Author focused on Leadership and Personal Development. Barry believes in building what matters and what matters is people. Author of Leadership by Invitation. Learn more about Barry at www.buildingwhatmatters.com
“A strong enough WHY will always reveal the HOW.” ~ @BLDWhatMatters
Tony Vengrove – Connecticut, USA
Unleash Your Creativity

Tony Vengrove is Founder of Miles Finch Innovation, creator of the Idea Climate Equation®, and an innovation omnivore. His career spans NYC ad agency and Fortune 500 brand marketing and innovation roles, which arms him with a unique general management perspective of leading innovation and change. Learn more about Tony at www.milesfinchinnovation.com
“Sameness is no friend of creativity; sameness only safeguards the status quo.” ~ @Tony_Vengrove
Karin Hurt – Maryland, USA
Being Authentic to Others (and Yourself)

Karin Hurt, CEO of Let’s Grow Leaders, is a leadership speaker, author, consultant and MBA professor. She’s a former Verizon Wireless executive with two decades of diverse cross-functional experience in sales, customer service, and HR. She helps leaders get better results by building deeper trust and connection with their teams. Learn more about Karin at www.letsgrowleaders.com/about
“There is no greater gift you can give your team than leading from who you truly are, toward head-turning results.” ~ @LetsGrowLeaders
Alli Polin – DC Metro, USA & Australia
Be Seen for Who You Are

Alli Polin, CPCC, ACC, is a former senior executive with deep experience in leadership, change management and organization development. Now an expat, coach, speaker and facilitator, she is driven to help people create a full life and achieve professional success. To learn more about Alli and her work visit www.breaktheframe.com
“Forget showing the world you’re perfect. Show people that you’re human.” ~ @AlliPolin
Carol Dougherty – Illinois, USA
Speaking Up Around Problem People

Carol Dougherty is the President of Delta Consulting Group, LLC. She helps the next generation of leaders develop their potential by building skills in communication, time management, decision-making, and leadership. Learn more about Carol at www.delta-group-llc.com
“Know your triggers to be prepared for problem people pushing your buttons.” ~ @DoughertyCarol
Daniel Buhr – Minnesota, USA
Serve to Lead, Lead to Serve

Daniel Buhr has been an EHS information analyst in the Fortune 500 corporate world for over 27 years. He is also a leadership developer, promoting the PAR principle that in leadership we each have the Permission, Ability and Responsibility to lead. You can find him on social media as @Cybuhr or at www.Cybuhr.com
“Fitting in only leads to mediocrity. Coming together as who we are produces greater energy.” ~ @Cybuhr
Lalita Raman – Hong Kong
Brand You, Brand Your Organization

Lalita Raman is an Executive and Leadership coach, trainer and speaker who partners with people, business and organizations to develop, empower and assist them in delivering results that they seek. She delivers leadership and sales training workshops and assists in discovering and developing the talent of organizations and individuals. Learn more about Lalita at www.transitionsintl.com
“You can revitalize yourself by the energy you bring to what you do and in the way you articulate your purpose.” ~ @rlalita
Chery Gegelman – Middle East
Encourage “Gut Thinking”

Chery Gegelman was once a frustrated visionary that learned how to instigate and lead system-wise change from the middle and the edge of organizations. Today she speaks and consults with people and organizations that are learning to lead through change to growth. Learn more about Chery at www.consultgiana.com
“Energize your leadership by tuning into the truth your gut just knows.” ~ @GianaConsulting
Dr. Hoda Maalouf – Lebanon
Build an Organization of Gratitude

Dr. Hoda Maalouf was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. She moved to the UK for graduate studies at Imperial College, earning a Ph.D. in Communication Engineering. Hoda currently teaches, advises students and serves as head of the Computer Science Department at Notre Dame University, Lebanon. Learn more about Hoda at www.HodaMaalouf.com
“Be grateful to be alive! Get up, shake off the dust and move on with your life.” ~ @MaaHoda
Scott Mabry – Tennesee, USA
Love and Let Love Multiply

Scott Mabry is a former school teacher and experienced senior executive with a passion for helping others find meaning in their life and work. He still teaches every day and shares his thoughts on how we can “bring our soul to work” at www.soul2work.com
“Our struggles can serve us if we allow them to change us.” ~ @soul2work
LaRae Quy – California, USA
Plan (B) for the Future

LaRae Quy is a former counterintelligence and undercover FBI agent. She speaks and coaches on how to develop the mental strength to control emotions, behavior, and thinking that lead to personal and professional success. Learn more about LaRae at www.LaRaeQuy.com
“If you focus only on your barriers, you’ll never see the road.” ~ @LaRaeQuy
Jon Mertz – Texas, USA
When Confronted with Challenges, Have Serious Fun

Jon Mertz is one of the 2014 Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business and writes to empower Millennials to become conscious leaders, build stronger teams, and lead a richer life. Learn more about Jon at www.thindifference.com
“Fun delivers a beautiful simplicity; clearing boundaries and cleansing spirits.” ~ @ThinDifference
John Thurlbeck – United Kingdom
Lead with Curiosity

Founder of Wear Consulting Limited, John is a super-connector – an international facilitator, trainer and coach focused on critically transforming relationships, building extraordinary networks, developing energized leadership and enabling powerful organizational change. Learn more about John at www.wearconsulting.co.uk
“Curiosity enables you to be receptive, reflective, perceptive and open; all traits of an authentic leader.” ~ @JohnThurlbeck
Cynthia Bazin – California, USA
Positivity Is Always Possible

Cynthia Bazin is a motivational speaker, expert writer and mentor who has 20+ years of leadership experience. She is an Investigative Expert and former Private Investigator who owns SmartChic, a premier mentoring company for women. She empowers women with her laser-focused strategies so they can live their most successful and happiest life. Learn more about Cynthia at www.smartchic.me
“Focus on moving forward, on action and results, on the things you can do.” ~ @TheSmartChic